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The link between seborrheic dermatitis and hair loss

 Seborrheic dermatitis is a common condition that often affects the scalp.


Is seborrheic dermatitis the same as seborrheic alopecia? Are seborrheic dermatitis and seborrheic alopecia the same thing? Is seborrheic dermatitis related to hair loss? Is seborrheic dermatitis related to hair loss?


Does seborrheic dermatitis cause hair loss?


Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition that causes red, flaky, oily patches of skin. These patches are usually also itchy. It usually affects the scalp and can also cause dandruff.

These symptoms are the result of excessive secretion of sebum, an oily secretion produced by the sebaceous glands. Experts aren't sure what causes seborrheic dermatitis, but it can be related to genetic or immune system problems.

Seborrheic dermatitis usually does not cause hair loss. However, excessive scratching can hurt your hair follicles, causing some hair loss.

In addition, extra sebum associated with seborrheic dermatitis can trigger Malassezia overgrowth. This is a yeast that occurs naturally on most people's skin. When it loses control, it causes inflammation that makes it harder for nearby hair to grow.

Read on to learn how to treat seborrheic dermatitis and whether the hair loss associated with it is reversible.

How is seborrheic dermatitis treated?

There are many ways to treat seborrheic dermatitis. However, you may need to try some before you can find an effective method. Some people find that combination therapy works best.

Your doctor may recommend trying over-the-counter (OTC) therapy. If none of this works, you may need to prescribe treatment.

Over-the-counter treatment

The main over-the-counter drug for seborrheic dermatitis is a medicated shampoo used to treat dandruff.

Look for products that contain any of the following ingredients:

  • Zinc pyrithione
  • salicylic acid
  • Ketoconazole
  • Selenium sulfide

You can buy an anti-dandruff shampoo that contains these ingredients on Amazon.

For cases of mild seborrheic dermatitis, you may only need to use a medicinal shampoo for a few weeks. If your hair is light, away from selenium sulfide, which can cause discoloration.

Looking for a more natural option? Find out which natural remedies against seborrheic dermatitis really work.

Prescription therapy

If a medicated shampoo or naturopathy does not provide any relief, you may need to see a doctor get a prescription.

Prescription treatments for seborrheic dermatitis include:

Corticosteroid creams, ointments, or shampoos

Prescriptions of hydrocortisone, fluoxetine (Synalar, Capex), desolate (Desonate, DesOwen), and clobetasol (Clobex, Cormax) all help reduce inflammation. This makes it easier for the hair to grow in the affected area. While they are usually effective, you should only use them for a week or two at a time to avoid side effects such as thinning of the skin.

Antifungal creams, gels, and shampoos

For more severe seborrheic dermatitis, your doctor may prescribe a product that contains ketoconazole or ciclopiroxone.

Antifungal drugs

If topical corticosteroids and antifungals don't seem to help, your doctor may recommend oral antifungal medications. These are often prescribed as a last resort because they tend to cause a lot of side effects and interactions with other drugs.

A cream containing calcineurin inhibitors

Creams and lotions containing calcineurin inhibitors are effective and have fewer side effects than corticosteroids. Examples include pimecrolimus and tacrolimus protopic. However, the FDA recommends limiting its use in 2006 due to the potential cancer risks.

Will my hair grow back?

Hair loss caused by seborrheic dermatitis, whether excessive scratching or fungal overgrowth, is only temporary. Once the inflammation is gone, your hair will grow back and your scalp will no longer itch.


Seborrheic dermatitis is a common condition that often affects the scalp. Sometimes it can cause mild hair loss due to inflammation or excessive scratching. However, once the condition is treated with over-the-counter or prescription medications, the hair grows back.

If you have seborrheic dermatitis and notice hair loss, make an appointment with your doctor. They can help develop treatment plans and rule out other potential causes of hair loss.


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