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Benefits of walking barefoot


  • Walking Barefoot Study - Inflammation Subjective reports indicate that walking barefoot may have an effect on reducing inflammation in the body. Additionally, research suggests potential benefits from walking barefoot. source

  • Foot Strengthening with Minimalist Shoes Walking in minimalist shoes can be as effective as foot strengthening exercises in increasing foot muscle size and strength. Therefore, wearing minimalist shoes offers an alternative way to strengthen the foot muscles. source

  • Earthing (Grounding) Health Benefits The practice of earthing, which involves benefits such as better sleep and reduced pain, can be achieved by walking barefoot outside or sitting. This reconnects the human body to the earth and can lead to various health implications. source

Benefits of Walking Barefoot

Walking barefoot, also known as "earthing" or "grounding," has been gaining popularity as a natural practice with potential health benefits. By removing the barrier of shoes and connecting directly with the earth's surface, some believe that it can positively impact our well-being.

One of the primary benefits of walking barefoot is improved foot strength and flexibility. Our feet are designed with intricate muscles, tendons, and ligaments that can become weak and inflexible when confined in shoes for extended periods. Walking barefoot allows these structures to engage naturally, leading to better balance, posture, and a reduced risk of foot-related injuries. 1 2

Another advantage of barefoot walking is improved proprioception, which is the awareness of your body's position and movement. When our feet directly contact the ground, the nerves and sensory receptors in our soles are stimulated, providing feedback to the brain and enhancing our sense of balance and coordination. 3 4

Moreover, some proponents believe that walking barefoot can have a grounding effect, promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. The direct contact with the earth's surface is thought to neutralize the positive charge that can build up in our bodies, potentially leading to a calmer state of mind. 5 6

It's important to note that walking barefoot should be done with caution, especially in areas with potential hazards such as sharp objects or extreme temperatures. It's recommended to start gradually and build up tolerance, particularly if you're accustomed to wearing shoes most of the time. 7 8

While the scientific evidence is still emerging, many individuals find walking barefoot to be a pleasant and rejuvenating experience that connects them with nature and promotes a sense of well-being. As with any new practice, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have specific health concerns.

Islam's view of walking barefoot

In Islam, it is indeed a Sunnah (a practice of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) to walk barefooted sometimes. This practice was followed by the companions of the Prophet and is encouraged as a way to cultivate humility and simplicity.

The Prophetic Tradition

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ himself would often walk barefooted, as narrated in several authentic hadiths (sayings of the Prophet). For example, Al-Hasan bin 'Alee narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah -sallahu 'alayhi wasallam- has forbidden us from indulging in luxury, and he encouraged us to walk barefooted sometimes."

Benefits and Wisdom

Walking barefooted is seen as a way to humble oneself and avoid arrogance or excessive pride. It reminds us of our humble beginnings and the temporary nature of worldly possessions. Additionally, some scholars have pointed out potential health benefits, such as grounding or earthing, which involves transferring the Earth's electrons into the body.


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