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Showing posts from February, 2023


Bruises can take several weeks to heal. Treatment of bruises Bruising is the result of some type of trauma or skin injury that causes blood vessels to rupture. Bruising usually goes away on its own, but you can take steps to reduce pain and reduce visibility. 10 natural ways to treat bruises What is a special medicine for bruises? What medicine is better for bruising? How to deal with purple bruising? What medicine is used for bruising and purple? How are bumps and bruises treated? Medicines for bruises? What medicine should be used for leg bruising? What medicine is used for knee bruises? The following treatments can be done at home: 1. Ice therapy What are the effects of ice therapy on the body and what are the dangers of ice therapy? Ice therapy in the beauty industry is part of aromatherapy spas. Apply ice immediately after injury to reduce blood flow around the area. Cooling blood vessels reduces the amount of blood that penetrates into surrounding tissues. This

10 Home remedies for oily skin

    What When genetics or hormones cause oily skin, it is difficult to prevent. What are family remedies? The principle and method of home remedies? Which kind of oily skin is used in nature? Which facial cleanser for oily skin? What does Home Systems Therapy include? What are the characteristics of home remedies? What causes oily skin which firming lotion for oily skin home remedies Oily skin is the result of excessive sebum secretion by the sebaceous glands. These glands are located below the surface of the skin. Sebum is an oily substance made up of fat. Sebum isn't all-bad, as it helps protect and moisturize your skin and keeps your hair shiny and healthy. However, too much sebum may cause oily skin, which can lead to clogged pores and acne. Genetics, hormonal changes, and even stress can increase sebum production. Oily skin and acne are difficult to manage. Still, home remedies can often reduce symptoms without the use of prescription medications or expensive ski