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Showing posts from December, 2023

Garlic butter boiled cod recipes

                     Ingredients 4 cod fillets (thawed) 2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped) 0.5 cups butter 1 tablespoon city accent fisherman's wharf seasoning (or your favorite seafood seasoning) 1 lemon (juiced) Direction in a frying pan large enough to hold pollock, melt the butter over medium to low heat. add the garlic and cook until golden brown. add the lemon juice and the fisherman's wharf seasoning and stir well. place the pollock fillets in a saucepan and cook on each side over medium-low heat for 5-6 minutes, constantly applying the boiling liquid to the fish. once the fish is easily peeled off with a fork, it's done. remove from a frying pan and serve with fresh vegetables. enjoy!

15 Foods and Drinks to Steer Clear of While Pregnant

\ In addition to foods that increase your risk of infection, such as raw or undercooked meat or fish, you should also minimize your intake of processed foods and caffeine during pregnancy . In order to nurture your unborn kid and yourself during pregnancy, eating a healthy diet is crucial. Some of your favorite foods, like sushi, coffee, or rare steak, could have to go . Fortunately, there are lots of healthful things you can consume while pregnant . These are fifteen items and drinks you should limit or stay away from when pregnant . 1.        Fish with elevated mercury levels Polluted waters can contain high levels of mercury, an extremely deadly metal . It can impact your kidneys, immunological system, and brain system in greater doses. Even in smaller doses, it can have negative effects on children's development and lead to major developmental difficulties (Trusted Source)( 1 ) . It is advisable to stay away from large marine fish when pregnant or nursing since th

What is Kegel Sport?

  Once you learn about Kegel Sports, you can do it anytime, anywhere – in your own home or while queuing at a bank.   What is Kegel Sport?   Kegel Exercise is a simple grip and relaxation exercise that you can use to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Your pelvis is the area between your buttocks that is used to immobilize your reproductive organs. The pelvic floor is actually a series of muscles and tissues that form slings or hammocks at the bottom of the pelvis. This sling holds your organ in place. A weak pelvic floor can lead to problems such as the inability to control the intestines or bladder. Once you learn about Kegel Sports, you can do it anytime, anywhere – in your own home or while queuing at a bank.   Why Kegel Campaign?   Both women and men can benefit from the Kegel Movement. Many factors can weaken a woman's pelvic floor, such as pregnancy, childbirth, aging, and weight gain. The pelvic floor muscles support the uterus, bladder, and intestines. If the muscles are